
The proposed project would expand the existing FM 471 from SH 211 to Old FM 471 from a 2-lane undivided roadway to a 4-lane divided roadway with turn lanes and raised medians, a total distance of approximately 3 miles. The proposed improvements would include drainage improvements, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and an overpass at SH 211 over FM 471, to connect existing SH 211 north of FM 471 to the proposed SH 211 extension south of FM 471 in Bexar and Medina Counties.

Proposed Improvements

  • Widen FM 471 from a 2-lane roadway to a 4-lane roadway with raised medians
  • Drainage improvements and bike and pedestrian accommodations
  • An overpass at SH 211 over FM 471, to connect to the proposed SH 211 extension south of FM 471

The existing facility is within a variable right-of-way (ROW) between 80- and 120-ft wide. The proposed right of way width will be 120 feet for the length of the corridor. Approximately 6.54 acres of additional ROW will be required for the proposed improvements. Although additional ROW is required, no residential or non-residential structures would be displaced.

Are you an impacted landowner?

If you have received a letter or been contacted by Bexar and Medina Counties, now is a critical time to consult with an attorney. To schedule a 30-minute consultation with one of our condemnation attorneys, please complete the form below or call (512) 894-5426.

To schedule a 30-minute consultation with one of our condemnation attorneys, please contact us here or call (512) 894-5426.

The Braun & Gresham Condemnation Team:

Patrick L. Reznik Attorney & Counselor
Carly Barton
Carly Barton Attorney & Counselor
Audrey Banner
Audrey Banner Paralegal

At Braun & Gresham, our attorneys can help you before, during, and after the taking of your land. We will advise you on the best course of action and not only help you get full market value, but also help you protect the aspects you love most.

For more information about the project, or to learn about your rights in the condemnation process, please contact us at [email protected] or (512) 894-5426.