The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is proposing to widen RM 2243 between 183A and Southwest Bypass to improve roadway design and address safety, mobility, and connectivity for motorists in this rapidly growing area. Mobility and safety improvements for this project include adding lanes to increase capacity, realigning and straightening curves along the roadway, and improving accommodations for pedestrians and cyclists. The proposed project is needed to meet the existing and future population growth and transportation demand on RM 2243 and Hero Way, and to provide a safe connection from 183A to Southwest Bypass. This project is a part of the County’s Long-Range Transportation Plan and is being funded through the voter-approved 2019 Road Bond.
Proposed Improvements
- Reconstruct and widen the existing rural two-lane roadway to a controlled-access highway, including two mainlanes in each direction separated by a concrete barrier, with direct connections to 183A, Ronald Reagan Boulevard and Southwest Bypass.
- Three-lane frontage road with access ramps on either side of the mainlanes
- The first phase of construction will include a single frontage road from 183A to Garey Park, which follows Hero Way from 183A to Ronald Reagan Boulevard and is on a new alignment from Ronald Reagan Boulevard to Garey Park
- This single frontage road would serve two-way traffic until the other frontage road is built in a future phase
- Additional phases of the project will be developed as growth warrants and funding becomes available
Anticipated Next Steps:
- Spring 2023 – Study and preliminary design are underway
- Summer 2024 – Phase one of construction is expected to begin
Are you an impacted landowner?
Time is of the essence when your property is going be taken in condemnation. Do not wait until it is too late to learn about your rights.
To schedule a 30-minute consultation with one of our condemnation attorneys, please contact us here or call (512) 894-5426.
The Braun & Gresham Condemnation Team:

At Braun & Gresham, our attorneys can help you before, during, and after the taking of your land. We will advise you on the best course of action and not only help you get full market value, but also help you protect the aspects you love most.
For more information about the project, or to learn about your rights in the condemnation process, please contact us at [email protected] or (512) 894-5426.