Hays County, in conjunction with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) as the lead agency, is proposing to widen and realign FM 2001 from I-35 to SH 21 (Camino Real) in Hays and Caldwell counties, Texas.
FM 2001 TxDOT Project: Proposed Improvements
The proposed FM 2001 TxDOT project consists of both an urban and suburban roadway configuration. The urban section would include:
- Adding two 12-foot lanes in each direction
- Adding a 16-foot raised median
- Adding five-foot bike lanes and six-foot sidewalks within a 120-foot Right of Way (ROW).
The suburban section would include:
- Adding two 12-foot lanes
- Adding a 10-foot outside shoulder in each direction
- Adding a 16-foot center two-way left-turn lane within a 160-foot ROW, including an allowance on the edge of both ROW lines for future five-foot sidewalks.
The proposed improvements would require approximately 113.9 acres of additional ROW, 5.02 acres of temporary easements and 4.68 acres of permanent easements. The proposed FM 2001 TxDOT project would displace one residence.
Texas has been aggressively acquiring private land through condemnation for transportation projects across the state to accommodate the needs of a growing population. If you have been contacted by TxDOT or any of their representatives, please contact us immediately. The important thing to remember is that even if you’ve received a letter in the mail from a condemnation entity informing you of their intentions, this does not mean that it’s a done deal. There are many ways to influence the condemnation process to ensure that your wants and needs are met, but it’s important that you involve knowledgeable professionals that can help guide you through the process.