SCOTUS Battle Between a Winnie Farmer & TxDOT:
A Winnie, Texas farmer who sued the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for flood damages to his land made it to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS). Styled Devillier v. Texas, SCOTUS granted Devillier’s petition on September 29, 2023, and it will hear his arguments as to why it should overturn the appellate court’s decision. The important issue is whether a person whose property is taken without compensation may seek damages under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution even though Congress has not laid out a cause of action in Federal Court. The Fifth Amendment prohibits private property from being taken for public use “without just compensation.” Texas Eminent Domain laws and Condemnation procedures begin with this provision. We will be following and providing updates for Texas landowners. Meanwhile, we’ve directed you to some news stories below.
I represent landowners facing condemnation. At Braun & Gresham, our Condemnation Team and I work to minimize the effects of condemnation and receive just compensation for the taking of our clients’ land. If you are impacted by a road, utility, or pipeline project, please contact us to learn how we can help. Call (512) 894-5426 or email [email protected] to schedule a free initial consultation.
– Patrick L. Reznik, Attorney & Counselor
Legal battle between a Winnie farmer and TxDOT
A legal battle between a farmer in Winnie and TxDOT could make its way to the Supreme Court next week and possibly impact property owners all over the country… So far appellate courts have sided with the state of Texas, not the owner of this property in Winnie…
Winnie farmer’s battle against TxDOT heads to the SCOTUS
Interstate 10 can easily be seen as you sit outside Richie Devillier’s home in Winnnie. Devillier is a fourth generation cattle rancher, and his family has owned the property since before the highway’s construction. That highway proved to be too close for comfort during tropical storms…
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Fall Webinar Series:

Considering converting to wildlife exemption in 2024?
Plateau’s Webinar Series details how a Wildlife Management property tax valuation, more commonly referred to as a “Wildlife Exemption,” can benefit you and your property.
Webinars are hosted on Tuesdays through November 14th and with only three webinars remaining in the series, don’t wait to learn more and register. Questions? Give Plateau a call at (512) 894-3479 or email [email protected].
Centennial Parks Conservation Fund:

Kasey Musgraves joins campaign for proposition to support Texas state parks
A famous Texan known for her voice is lending it to a cause to preserve the state’s parks.
Grammy Award winner Kacey Musgraves – a Golden, Texas, native – narrates a new video that urges Texans to vote to approve Proposition 14. The prop would authorize $1 billion to create new state parks and would make the “largest investment in nature in Texas history,” according to the Texas Coalition for State Parks and Environment Texas, the groups behind the video…
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