Centennial Parks Conservation Fund:
Save the Date: On November 7th, Vote to Grow Texas Parks
This year, Texas is celebrating the 100th anniversary of our system of State Parks. To mark the centennial, Texans statewide will have the opportunity to vote on November 7th to support a Constitutional Amendment (Proposition 14) to create the Centennial Parks Conservation Fund. This $1 billion fund will help secure new parks for future generations of Texans to explore and enjoy without increasing taxes.
The Future of Our Outdoors
At a February event celebrating the 100th anniversary of Texas State Parks, Gov. Greg Abbott recalled the magic of visiting Caddo Lake State Park as a kid growing up in East Texas. “When you go to Caddo Lake, you think, ‘The hand of God designed this — this is what a park should look like.’ It blew me away to see the Spanish moss…”
Texas House Approves Bills to Spend Up To $1 Billion to Buy More State Park Land
The Texas House on Tuesday gave final approval to two bills, Senate Bill 1648 and Senate Joint Resolution 74, that would, with voter approval, create a Centennial Parks Conservation Fund to invest $1 billion to buy more land for the state parks system…
TxDOT’s I-35 Expansion Project in Austin:
TxDOT is moving forward on its $4.5 billion project to begin construction on the I-35 Capital Express Program likely to cause more than 100 residential and commercial property owners in Central Austin to lose all or a portion of their land, homes, and businesses. TxDOT recently published its “Record of Decision” (ROD) and “Environmental Impact Statement” (EIS) moving forward on the 8-mile stretch of I-35 expansion. The ROD states TxDOT has met the formal Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) requirements. The EIS is a government document that outlines the impact of a proposed project on its surrounding environment.
Rethink35 and other groups appear to be gearing up to sue TxDOT over the project. A possible lawsuit may claim TxDOT failed to comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Below are two Austin American Statesman Articles and one KXAN news story of interest.
Even if the project is delayed by an additional lawsuit challenging the project, now is time for a consultation to understand your rights and impacts to your property. I am currently working with clients on the I-35 project and only represent landowners in eminent domain and condemnation proceedings. To schedule a consultation, please call (512) 894-5426.
– Patrick L. Reznik, Attorney & Counselor
TxDOT Clears Hurdles for I-35 Expansion
Texas highway officials announced they had cleared two notable administrative hurdles to move forward with the planned $4.5 billion expansion of Interstate 35 in Austin, clearing the way for construction to begin in mid-2024. The Texas Department of Transportation published two key documents…
Rethink35 Talks I-35 Legal Action
As the droning sound of midmorning highway traffic could be heard nearby, opponents of the Texas Department of Transportation’s expansion plans for Interstate 35 through Central Austin gathered to object to the $4.5 billion project, promising to sue the state in an effort to halt the project…
Rethink35 Filing Lawsuit Against TxDOT’s I-35 Downtown Expansion Plan
Just over a week after the Texas Department of Transportation released its final environmental impact statement (EIS) on its Interstate 35 expansion plan, grassroots organization Rethink35 announced it will join several other plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the project…
Plateau Land & Wildlife Management Fall Webinar Series:

Earn tax benefits while helping wildlife!
Join Plateau’s Fall Webinar Series to learn the benefits of a Wildlife Management property tax valuation, commonly called a “Wildlife Exemption.” We’ll cover how to declare ‘Wildlife’ as the Ag Use on all or part of your property, and how Wildlife Management and production agriculture can coexist on a single property – the result can be beautiful, healthy land and the best of both worlds.
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