The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is proposing to reconstruct and widen State Highway (SH) 105 from 10th Street in Conroe to Business 105 located in Montgomery, San Jacinto and Liberty Counties, Texas, to improve safety, operational efficiency, and travel times within the project limits.
Current Conditions
Within the project limits, SH 105 generally consists of a two-lane undivided roadway (one 12-foot lane in each direction) with 11-foot outside shoulders. A small section of the existing roadway, located near Conroe, typically consists of four 11-foot travel lanes (two in each direction), no shoulders and a continuous two-way turn lane.
Project Background
The project area has experienced steady growth, which is projected to continue. This increase in traffic has begun to exceed the capacity of the roadway and create congestion. Additionally, the current road configuration lacks dedicated space to allow turning and stopping vehicles to move out of the lane of moving traffic, which can lead to accidents along the corridor. The proposed project reduces congestion and improves operational efficiency by widening the road to four lanes. The proposed project also improves safety by adding a continuous two-way center turn lane to allow motorists a safe refuge while turning.
There have been multiple public meetings for the proposed project, as listed in the “Get Involved” section below. Each public meeting afforded the public the opportunity to view and comment on the proposed improvements. TxDOT considered all comments from these public involvement events in the refinement of the proposed project.
Proposed Improvements
The proposed project includes:
- Widening the existing roadway to a four-lane roadway with a continuous center turn lane
- Constructing sidewalks and providing accommodations for bicycles within the project limits
- Converting approximately 75 percent of the project from open ditch to curb-and-gutter
Approximately 45 acres of additional right of way (ROW) would be needed for the proposed improvements. Displacements of businesses and residences are anticipated. The total project cost is estimated to be $175 million and is State and Federally funded. SH 105 is not proposed to be a tolled facility. The construction of the project would be completed in segments, with construction of the first segment predicted to begin in 2021.
Next Steps
- Consider public comments
- Finalize environmental analysis
- Reach project decision from TxDOT
- Complete final design
- Begin ROW acquisition
- Construction anticipated to begin in 2021 and would be completed in segments
Texas has been aggressively acquiring private land through condemnation for transportation projects across the state to accommodate the needs of a growing population. If you have been contacted by TxDOT or any of their representatives, please contact us immediately. The important thing to remember is that even if you’ve received a letter in the mail from a condemnation entity informing you of their intentions, this does not mean that it’s a done deal. There are many ways to influence the condemnation process to ensure that your wants and needs are met, but it’s important that you involve knowledgeable professionals that can help guide you through the process.