SH 46 from I-35 to I-10 Road Project Overview
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) San Antonio District is proposing to improve SH 46 from I-35 to I-10 and I-35 from South Walnut Avenue to FM 306 in Comal and Guadalupe counties, Texas. TxDOT is proposing to expand SH 46 with operational and corridor improvements including additional lanes, overpasses and intersection improvements. The proposed expansion also includes limited ramp reconstruction along I-35.
Proposed Improvements to SH 46 in Comal County:
- New elevated mainlanes with two 12-foot-wide lanes in each direction with auxiliary lanes as needed.
- Elevated mainlanes would connect to flyovers between I-35 and SH 46.
- Reconstruct existing local street level with two 12-foot-wide lanes in each direction with buffers, shoulders and two 10-foot-wide shared-use paths.
Proposed Improvements to SH 46 in Guadalupe County:
- Two 12-foot-wide lanes in each direction.
- 27-foot-wide future transportation envelope.
- Auxiliary lanes as needed.
- Two-lane one-way frontage roads in each direction.
- Two 10-foot-wide shared-use paths for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.
- Overpass locations at:
- Mary Boulevard/Saengerhalle Road
- Weltner Road
- Pfeiffer Lane/Canal Lane
- Cordova Road/Three Oaks Road
- Future Pecan Parkway
Anticipated Next Steps:
- Fall 2023 – Virtual Public Meeting #2
- Summer 2024 – Public Hearing
- Fall 2024 – Environmental Clearance
Are you an impacted landowner?
Time is of the essence when your property is going be taken in condemnation. Do not wait until it is too late to learn about your rights.
To schedule a 30-minute consultation with one of our condemnation attorneys, please contact us here or call (512) 894-5426.
The Braun & Gresham Condemnation Team:

At Braun & Gresham, our attorneys can help you before, during, and after the taking of your land. We will advise you on the best course of action and not only help you get full market value, but also help you protect the aspects you love most.
For more information about the project, or to learn about your rights in the condemnation process, please contact us at [email protected] or (512) 894-5426.